Required documents Glider Trim Control : Trim control of the school glider you will bring to the course. Upload here👆 the trim control. Get the APPI control sheet model here 👉 Document Video Of Practical Skills - Guiding : Edit a video of your guiding skills. Upload here👆 a video of your skills guiding a student. Check the instructions here 👉 Document Required ratings First aid Advanced SIV Non commercial tandem Required exams or tests APPI systemto take Evaluation Proto take
Make sure you have the necessary documents and skills to participate in this workshop, otherwise your registration may not be approved
Required documentsVideo Of Practical Skills - Guiding : Edit a video of your guiding skills. Upload here👆 a video of your skills guiding a student. Check the instructions here 👉 Document Course Preparation & Report : Documents relative to 3 courses you prepared and gave you are proud of (white page, course organization tool, feedback). Required ratingsAPPI instructor Required exams or testsAPPI systemto take Evaluation Proto take
Make sure you have the necessary documents and skills to participate in this workshop, otherwise your registration may not be approved
3/ Appi Instructor Validated: Actualization
To register
Required ratingsAPPI instructor Required exams or testsEvaluation Proto take
Make sure you have the necessary documents and skills to participate in this workshop, otherwise your registration may not be approved
4/ Appi Instructor: Prepare For Master (Part 2 Pedagogy)
Required documentsVideo Of Practical Skills - Guiding : Edit a video of your guiding skills. Upload here👆 a video of your skills guiding a student. Check the instructions here 👉 Document Syllabus : Preparation of master's syllabus about pedagogy. Course Preparation & Report : Documents relative to a course you prepared and gave recently (white page, course organization tool, feedback). Required ratingsAPPI instructor Required exams or testsAPPI systemto take Evaluation Proto take
Make sure you have the necessary documents and skills to participate in this workshop, otherwise your registration may not be approved
5/ Appi Master Validated: Actualisation
To register
Required documentsSyllabus : master's syllabus. Required ratingsMaster instructor Required exams or testsAPPI systemto take Evaluation Proto take
Make sure you have the necessary documents and skills to participate in this workshop, otherwise your registration may not be approved