Required documents Video Of Practical Skills - Paraglider : Edit a video of your flying skills in solo flight. Upload here👆 a video of your flying skills in solo flight. Check the instructions here 👉 Document Take as an example this application video here 👉 Document Required ratings First Aid Certificate : 👈 Upload here a picture of your first aid certificate (less than two years old). Advanced Siv Proof : You are not advanced SIV certified in APPI, two options: 1: contact the workshop's staff that will propose you an option. 2: Upload here👆 a video of you performing the advanced SIV maneuvers. Check the instructions here 👉 Document Take as an example this application video here 👉 Document Required exams or tests Evaluation Proto take APPI System Tandemto take
Required ratingsNon commercial tandem Required exams or teststandemto take APPI System Tandemto take
3/ Appi Instructor: Prepare For Master (Part 1 Tandem)
To register
Required documentsVideo Of Practical Skills - Tandem : Edit a video of your flying skills in TANDEM flight. Upload here👆 a video of your flying skills in TANDEM flight. Check the instructions here 👉 Document Syllabus : Preparation of master's syllabus about Theory and Tandem.
Official language : Persian
Iran TPW was held in Kiashahr, in Gilan province located on the north side of the country and by the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Both accommodation and theoretical class locations were in a nice hotel in the closest possible place to the winch band (the Caspian beach), where the training and the final test were going to happen. Participants were all experienced tandem pilots, including very well-known local instructors and club owners. They were almost all fascinated by the modern and well-ordered theory subjects as well as the organization efforts, which was shown in their interest in class discussions and activities and also, in the organizer's surveillance. Each day after theory class, participants had the opportunity to fly in a safe and standard condition and train the day's subjects on the water; Until the seventh day, which was the workshop's official exam day, where participants had the opportunity to experience the simulated final exam conditions, under instructors supervision.