Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors - POWER
International Non Profit Association
APPI is non profit association which represents Paragliding, Paramotoring and ParaTriking. APPI Paragliding was founded in 2009, APPI PPG in 2010 and APPI ParaTrike in 2013. In 2021 APPI PPG & ParaTrike was rebranded under APPI Power. APPI receives no financial support from governments or companies, it only receives its founding from its members. This founding is used to develop the education system, improve our innovative web based platform, and secure insurance. Board members volunteer their time. APPI has an executive director which is a part time salaried position.
APPI does not make any profit on the classes, the price is fixed freely by the instructors who organize them. We strive to keep a low cost to enable everyone to participate.
Any APPI member can get involved in the association, run for office as a regional delegate and then be eligible to be elected to the APPI board. It is also possible to participate in the various committees.
High standard education system
Since its creation APPI has been developing its educational standard for all aspects of the modern paragliding and powered paragliding activities. It features not only pilot, tandem pilot and instructor ratings, but also many specific certifications. The educational contents are regularly updated thanks to the inputs of globally respected experts who bring their cutting-edge knowledge to APPI.
All of this material is carefully selected and organized by an education committee of experts from different backgrounds. This diversity of countries and expertise enriches our understanding of global issues. This gives the APPI system a unique multicultural dimension.
Trustworthy global certifications
The owner of an APPI rating has a guaranteed level of proficiency. An APPI certification is not given to someone that does not meet the standards described in the education system. Someone who is aspiring to earn an APPI rating is evaluated as a complete pilot: skills knowledge, emotional control (self control, strength) and attitude. The APPI Safety and Disciplinary Committee is the guardian of quality for our system. Its members serve with impartiality and with a sense of the common good. The Committee is immediately reactive to complaints or concerns of any member and has full latitude to act appropriately. The APPI standard is recognized as a high quality standard worldwide. It is the official training system in an increasing number of countries where cooperation agreements have been signed with local authorities.
Innovative web-based platform
The Education system is backed by an advanced web-based platform. It allows an unmatched level of continuity permitting instructors to follow a student’s progress throughout their education, no matter if they change instructor, school or country. The system has been designed to be multilingual. Available languages are so far: English, French, Spanish, Serbian, Macedonian, Greek, Russian, Albanian, Persian, Kurdish, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, and Hindi. On the APPI website, a member will find cutting edge contents. Educational materials of different types are available: online manuals, video commented by experts, live sessions, virtual class, chat with worldwide champions…
Focused on safety
Safety is an essential aspect of Paragliding, Paramotoring and ParaTriking. The network of APPI tandem pilots, instructors and schools provides a consistent and guaranteed level of quality. APPI instructors are trained to exacting standards of safety. As a student, they will pass this safe pilot’s attitude on to you. Each member, whether they are a simple pilot or a master instructor, can report any safety issues. The Safety and Disciplinary Committee will investigate, and if necessary engage the Education Committee to have the training protocol revised. Our safety records over the last 5 years are particularly good. They prove that our system helps to manage and limit the risk inherent in this activity.

Learn with APPI Power
First experience? Desire to improve?
Learn worldwide to fly safely, having fun!
Teach with APPI Power
Already an experienced paramotor or paratrike instructor?
your vocation is to help increase safety and standards worldwide...
APPI and national & international authorities
APPI is respected worldwide and collaborates with several national authorities (civil aviation, federations etc). Our Representative Committee constantly is working to have APPI certifications officially recognized in more countries worldwide. Find below the list of official cooperation agreements we have already signed.
At APPI we are convinced that a strong local federation of pilots is critical for development. Among their numerous missions, airspace preservation is of the utmost importance, and requires dedication, time and energy. Building a cooperation with APPI on the educational system helps a federation focus on essential issues. Today’s reality is that the worldwide pilot’s community wants a globally valid rating system.
Are there borders in the air?APPI promotes borderless certifications with high quality and a high level of safety.