Update in progress. Please do not certify assistant and instructor ratings.

General rules
Your Powered paragliding activity must comply with the laws of the country in which it is performed. APPI certification is internal to the APPI system, and shows no particular right in the country where the activity is performed, unless APPI is recognized by the legal local authority managing free flight. Do not use drugs or alcohol before or during flight activities.

APPI 1 discover and 2 explore
Carry certified emergency parachute during high flights. Fly under instructor control with radio contact.

APPI 3 pilot & APPI 4 progress
Equipment maintained according to manufacturer's recommendations. Carry certified emergency parachute during high flights. Report all accidents or incidents in APPI system. Third party liability insurance if available. Respect rules and regulations of the countries you are flying in. Keep flightlog updated.

APPI 5 advanced pilot
Equipment maintained according to manufacturer's recommendations. Report all accidents or incidents in APPI system. Third party liability insurance if available. Respect rules and regulations of the countries you are flying in.

Acro in tandem
No acro in tandem above ground, No acro in tandem above water below 200m/surface. Acro in tandem above water above 200m allowed if glider is 10G certified, 2 emergency parachute or one Rogallo type, rescue team ready. Acro is roll or pitch >90°, stall, spin, sat, spiral deeper -8m:s. In emergency situation any mean to go down is allowed. Special authorization to fly acro above ground can be given by a master under his responsibility.

XC in tandem
Is allowed with non commercial or pro qualification, it requires tandem siv certification + solo perfo certification.

APPI non commercial tandem pilot status “pending”
Passengers should be holder of a paragliding pilot rating equivalent to APPI 3 minimum. Equipment maintained according to manufacturer's recommendations. Carry certified emergency parachute. Certified harness. Back protection for passenger and pilot. After the tandem course, non commercial tandem third party liability insurance mandatory if available. Report all accidents or incidents in APPI system. Expect to act in an exemplary manner. Respect rules and regulations of the countries you are flying in.

APPI non commercial tandem pilot status “validated”
Equipment maintained according to manufacturer's recommendations. Carry certified emergency parachute mandatory except for dynamic soaring < 50m AGL and “walk and fly”. Certified harness. Non commercial tandem third party liability insurance mandatory if available. Report all accidents or incidents in APPI system. Respect rules and regulations of the countries he is flying in. Expect to act in an exemplary manner (value of example). Freely welcome visiting APPI pilot.

APPI pro tandem pilot
Equipment maintained according to manufacturer's recommendations. Carry certified emergency parachute except for dynamic soaring < 50m AGL and “walk and fly”. Certified harness. Third party liability insurance mandatory if available. Report all accidents or incidents in APPI system. Respect rules and regulations of the countries he is flying in (working laws). Expect to act in an exemplary manner (value of example). Freely welcome visiting APPI pilot.

APPI assistant instructor
Work under an instructor’s responsibility. In case the instructor decides under his responsibility to let the assistant be alone on the field (ground handling), or accompanied by another assistant instructor (flight), the Instructor should be able to reach the practice area in less than 2 hours. Ensures that the equipment used is maintained according to manufacturer's recommendations, and adapted to student’s skills and morphology. Contract a third party liability pro insurance if available. Report all accidents or incidents in APPI system. Respect rules and regulations of the countries you are flying and teaching (working laws). Act in an exemplary manner (value of example). Freely welcome visiting APPI pilot.

APPI Instructor
Register their student in APPI system. School equipment must be maintained according to the manufacturer's recommendations, and adapted to student’s skills and morphology. Contract a third party liability pro insurance if available. Inform student about limitations of instructors liability insurance, and benefits to take his own liability insurance (if applies). Follow the APPI education system and validate students ratings and details of rating in their online logbook according to APPI standards. Report all accidents or incidents in APPI system. Respect rules and regulations of the countries he is flying and teaching (working laws). Act in an exemplary manner (value of example). Freely welcome visiting APPI pilot.

APPI master
Register their student in APPI system. School equipment must be maintained according to the manufacturer's recommendations, and adapted to student’s skills and morphology. Contract a third party liability pro insurance if available. Inform student about benefits to contract a liability insurance and risks to fly without (if applies). Follow the APPI education system and validate students ratings and details of rating in their online logbook according to APPI standards. Report all accidents or incidents in APPI system. Respect rules and regulations of the countries he is flying and teaching (working laws). Act in an exemplary manner (value of example). Freely welcome visiting APPI pilot.

APPI Schools
The APPI registered schools have to display the APPI logo including a link to APPI website on the main page of the school website. It is not allowed to use the term "APPI school" in the school name because it can lead to confusion about the role of the school in the APPI system.

Any active APPI member may submit a complaint in relation to any APPI member, APPI school or APPI organization. They may point out for instance violations of APPI training Standards or of APPI rules that they witness personally. The APPI disciplinary committee will investigate.

Close account
To close your APPI account, please send the request to APPI secretary. Only the owner of the account can ask to be deleted.

The annual membership fee to the association cannot be subject to refund. If a school is paying directly to APPI the membership fee of a student, extra charges for this service cannot exceed 15%.

Disciplinary committee
As result of disciplinary committee investigation and decision, an APPI member status may be modified, canceled, suspended or their account may be closed. There will be no action taken without giving the opportunity to the member to give explanations.

Privacy Policy
APPI is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website members. This policy sets out how we will treat your personal information. This policy governs, and is applicable to, your use of this website. The data collected will only be used for the purpose of user account administration within the association and will not be disclosed to any third party, except within the terms of the Act of Switzerland. Nevertheless, for those who have APPI insurance, the identification data of the insured are communicated to our insurance company.

Suspended status
Suspended Status means that an APPI Membership has been invalidated. APPI Members may be suspended, as a result of the disciplinary committee decision, when their conduct is deemed detrimental to the organization, for non-compliance with safety regulations, or any other important reason decided by the committee. A member who is Suspended cannot represent himself as an APPI Member, teach APPI courses or certify APPI pilots, and does not receive any membership benefits. The name of suspended members is published on the APPI website. Examples of actions that may result in suspension include, but are not limited to: Gross violations of APPI Standards that may jeopardize the safety of students in training. Transmission of information intentionally false or altered to APPI. Financial irresponsibility in transacting business with APPI. Wrongfully discrediting the APPI organization, staff, and members. Attempting to deliberately damage the APPI organization and APPI Members’ abilities to provide instructional programs or conduct business. To recover from a suspended status, an APPI member should send a request to APPI disciplinary committee. The committee will review the case and give a road map to follow.

Drugs use
The use of drugs or alcohol before or during flight activities is not allowed by APPI.