Pro-workshop TANDEM , San Gil Colombia, 02-10 of June 2022
23 November 2022EDUCATION | paragliding
This pro-workshop held with the approval of the Colombian Air Sports Federation "FEDEAEREOS" saw 36 pilots from different backgrounds and cultures converge on the famous Chicamocha Canyon: pilots from Ecuador, Mexico and of course Colombia.
The technical level was high. The attendance included pilots ranked among the best in the world, whether in acro, distance or bivy flight competition. In addition the technical level of the other pilots was generally very satisfactory.
The latest developments of the APPI platform allowed an optimal preparation of the participants before the seminar. 80% of them obtained the APPI tandem Pro qualification.
We must salute the very professional approach of some participants, who already held a national tandem pro certification, and who came to update their knowledge. Those who obtained the international APPI certification have now new professional opportunities outside their country.
The theoretical part of the seminar took place in a very comfortable and well-equipped classroom in the city of San Gil . The practical evaluation took place at the "dos ventanas" flight site in the impressive Chicamocha Canyon. All this offered optimal conditions for the training and evaluating the participants.
A top organization orchestrated by Sergio Gutierrez and his team of "Parapente Chicamocha".
The teaching team consisted of the master instructor Marko Hrgetik from the Flumen school (Valle de Bravo, Mexico) assisted by the instructor Sebastian Carpio from the Pájaros 150 school (Ecuador).
During the seminar, essential and advanced knowledge was shared.
Four main topics:
-Gear and material from the perspective of aging check and airworthiness assessment.
-Aerodynamics and piloting: evolution of paraglider design and consequences on piloting,
-Weather (advanced forecast), safety, performance and regulations,
-Tandem flight : techniques and safety procedures.
This seminar was also an opportunity for many pilots to brush up on their piloting skills through the mandatory advanced SIV certification.
Harvit Lizcano and César Arévalo proposed piloting training in Chivor lake under the control of APPI SIV instructors. Participants improved their technical skills on crucial and specific points. No doubt that it will be very useful for them in the continuation of their career of pilot.
All in all, an excellent seminar that contributes greatly to paragliding safety activity and to professionalize tandem pilots in Latin America.