Stories from the APPI Wonderland
23 November 2022INFO | paragliding Speed Riding winch Technician powered paragliding paratrike
Edison Valencia Cano is a Colombian citizen. Owner of APPI pro tandem and instructor ratings, he had the opportunity to work as professional tandem pilot in Japan.
The japanese APPI Master Naohisa Okada was looking for a tandem pilote. “The first APPI workshop I attended impressed me a lot: While I already had 30 years experience as a paragliding instructor, I learned so much. I know how reliable the APPI ratings are, so my first move was to publish a job offer in the APPI news”. Among all the answers, Edison caught his attention. He arranged everything for him: Working visa, travel, accommodation, provision of a vehicle. “Getting a working Visa is hard work, but as Edison was APPI pro tandem certified, I was sure about his skills” he claims.
Edison’s arrival was delayed because of COVID, but last summer it was finally possible. ”When he arrived in Japan, I taught him some japanese cultural specificities as well as basic language notions. Very fast he was ready for professional tandem operation” explains Okada.
Edison was delighted by this experience : “Thanks to APPI I have been able to travel to the other side of the world where I met incredible people and an amazing culture. A dream coming true”. He certainly will return to Japan next year!
*Naohisa Okada owns the [JMB Fujimi Panorama Paragliding School](https://www.windhop.com/english/), one of the most respected and ancient school in Japan.*